
Congratulations, Xiamen Jieou Automotive Electronics Co., Ltd., under the guidance of the teacher and the joint efforts of all colleagues, has successfully passed the review of the integration of the two systems

Column:Company News Time:2020-09-07
The integration of industrialization and industrialization is something that our company has been advancing continuously for many years. In the past, we may have achieved certain results.

The integration of industrialization and industrialization is something that our company has been advancing continuously for many years. In the past, we may have achieved certain results. The level of production automation has also been continuously improved since the development of the company. Now we are also thinking about the specific aspects of intelligent manufacturing, including Industry 4.0. Application; product intelligence and product servicing are constantly exploring and improving, using informatization to improve all aspects of production and management, optimize all processes, and improve the efficiency of all aspects of R&D, design, manufacturing, supply chain management, sales and service , Reduce costs, improve service levels, etc.

The integration of industrialization and industrialization is a process of perseverance and continuous progress. There is a beginning but no end. We will attach great importance to the participation of all employees to achieve management optimization under the information environment, enhance the core competitiveness of the company, and strive to achieve the company's sustainable development goals.

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